1. Getting Started

Installing From RubyGems.org

It’s the simplest way installing Nekonote Framework from RubyGems.org.

on terminal

# need --pre option, because Nekonote Framework is under beta version
gem install nekonote-framework --pre

nekonote command will be available on your terminal after installing Nekonote Framework.

In case of using rbenv and missing nekonote command on your terminal, typing rbenv rehash might help you.

Server Requirements

name version
Ruby >= 2.3
name version description
rack >= 2.0 A Ruby Webserver Interface.
liquid >= 4.0 Liquid markup language.
puma >= 3.8 A Ruby/Rack web server built for concurrency.
color_echo >= 2.0 Colorizing output on terminal.
simple_rotate >= 1.2 A thread-safe logger. * Tring to remove from the dependencies.